Warehouse Visitor and Inventory Audit Policies

Want to visit a ShipCalm facility, here is everything you need to know.

ShipCalm understands the importance of our fiduciary duty to care for the inventory in our warehouses as if it were our own. Therefore, it’s equally important to protect the inventory and the safety of our employees and non-employees who may visit our warehouse.

The following is ShipCalm’s Warehouse Visitor and Inventory Policy.

Warehouse Visitor Policy in a Q&A

Does the Company allow warehouse visits by non-employees? 

Yes, visits are allowed if they are authorized by the Company.

What are the authorization procedures?

Requests for warehouse visits should be made to your Customer Success representative or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Such requests require the approval of the Vice President of Operations and/or their direct supervisor.

Are there off-limit areas?

Any areas the Company considers off-limits will be clearly identified (e.g., confidential records, equipment, computer network).

How are visitors identified?

Visitors must check in with their Customer Success representative or the warehouse manager. Should we include that: Visitors must wear identification badges or vests and steel-toed shoes/boots. Visitors must be escorted by a company official at all times.

Are there certain times when warehouse visits are not allowed?

Generally, the Company does not allow visitors in the warehouse after hours, while key operations or processes are in progress, during holidays and weekends, or during a national or local terrorist alert.

Are visits by employees on leave allowed?

Employees who are on leave may also stop by the office but they may not be in the warehouse. For example, a proud parent on a parental leave may bring a newborn to the office for co-workers to see but they are not allowed in the warehouse to ensure the safety of all involved.

Are visits by former employees allowed?

Visits by former employees are treated just like nonemployees.

Are visits allowed by vendors, suppliers, and contractors?

Visits by vendors, suppliers, and contractors are allowed if they have a direct business purpose with the warehouse operations. 

How are temporary employees treated in the warehouse?

Temporary employees are treated like regular employees.

Are visits by friends and family members allowed?

With the warehouse supervisor’s authorization, family members, in particular, are allowed to occasionally visit to see where the employee works. In emergencies, the warehouse supervisor should be consulted first when a friend or family member must see an employee immediately.

Are recording devices allowed in the warehouse?

Visitors may bring recording devices, such as cameras, camera phones, etc., into the warehouse.  However, we ask that you only take images or videos of products you own.

What are the warehouse supervisor’s responsibilities? 

The warehouse supervisor’s responsibility is to challenge unescorted strangers who aren’t wearing the proper identification. They should escort unauthorized visitors to the front office or out of the building and contact the Customer Success representative.


Warehouse Inventory Policy in a Q&A

Can a customer request ShipCalm to perform a full inventory count? 

Yes, a customer may request a full inventory count of their product in the warehouse(s). The request should be made with the Customer Success representative at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the requested physical inventory count. 

Is there a fee for a customer-requested full inventory count?

Yes, ShipCalm charges $75 per hour to complete a customer-requested full inventory count. 

Can a customer request an onsite inventory count/verification? 

Yes, a customer may request to visit the warehouse and do a physical count of their inventory, however, they must be accompanied by a chaperone at all times during their visit. The request should be made with the Customer Success representative at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the requested physical inventory count. 

Is there a fee for a chaperoned visit?

Yes, ShipCalm charges $150 per hour to complete a chaperoned visit. One chaperone is required per person/group that is present  

Can a customer bring external parties (e.g., accountants, advisors, etc.) to a chaperoned visit?

Yes, customers may bring external parties to a chaperoned visit.